US MQ-9B drone Crashes in Bay of Bengal Indian Navy leased from America

MQ-9B Drone: The MQ-9B SeaGuardian drone leased by the Indian Navy from the US fell into the Bay of Bengal on Wednesday (September 18) due to a technical fault during a surveillance mission. The drone had to make an emergency landing in the water. This incident has happened at a time when India is in talks to buy 31 MQ-9B from the US to increase the strength of the army.

According to the Hindustan Times report, the Indian Navy currently has Predator B drones, which have been made by the American company General Automics. The Navy had two such drones. It was leased for four years. Its job is to keep an intelligence eye on the activities at sea. At the same time, they are being operated from Naval Air Station Rajali in Tamil Nadu.

Know what is the matter?

The Navy issued a statement saying, “An altitude-carrying drone (HALE RPA) leased by the Indian Navy, which was operating from INS Rajali, Arakkonam (near Chennai). This drone had flown more than 1400 hours of routine flight. After which it suffered a technical fault. Which could not be fixed during the flight. At present, the RPA has reached a safe area and has landed the aircraft in a controlled manner in the sea near Chennai. Along with this, a detailed report has been sought from the American company General Automics.

The company will replace the drone under the lease

Sources say that under the lease, the Indian Navy has been given two drones to ensure assured surveillance of the vast area. They said that as per the agreement, the OEM will now have to replace the lost RPA with another one to meet the Navy’s needs.

RPA helped a lot in the security of the Indian Ocean

This drone has helped the Navy keep a close watch on the Indian Ocean at a time when it has increased surveillance in the region to curb China’s ambitions. The two MQ-9Bs have a combined 18,000 hours of flying.

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