USB Type C Port In IPhones But You Cannot Charge Iphones With Android Charger Know Why

USB Type-C In iPhones: Premium smartphone brand Apple is also soon going to provide Type C charging port in its iPhone. But the special thing is that you will not be able to charge Apple’s iPhone with the Type-C charger found in Android. Yes, the company will keep its Type-C port and charging exclusive and will provide a custom integrated circuit (IC) interface. That is, this charger will be made in a special way, which will only charge Apple’s iPhones.

Actually, last year the European Union had ordered Apple to bring USB C type charging port in its products soon. Apple has started giving Type-C charging port in MacBook and iPad. Now the company is going to bring it soon in the iPhone as well. In a report published in Weibo, it has been told that Apple will bring a unique Type C charging port in the iPhone, which will have a different type of integrated circuit. In simple language, just understand that no other Type-C charger will be able to charge Apple’s phone because its port will be specially designed by the company which will connect and charge only with Apple’s charger. However, if the company does this, then the European Union can interfere in it.

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That’s why EC will interfere

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The main reason for the European Union to make the Type-C port common is to reduce e-waste and make Type-C a universal charger. In such a situation, if the iPhone keeps its Type-C charger exclusive, then the iPhone user will have to buy a separate charger, which will increase e-waste.

In India too, Type C port has been made mandatory for all gadgets and by the year 2025, you will get to see this common port in all gadgets.

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