Vacancy for sweeping the dust in the museum, have to wipe the dirty trophies, graduation degree is necessary!

In today’s time, there is a lot of shortage of jobs in the world. Where many startups have started but even after this there is a shortage of jobs. Wherever there is a vacancy, after that more than a thousand applications come for the same post. One such vacancy has been taken out by Manchester United Chiefs. Looking for a person to dust off the trophy here. Its main task will be to remove the dust accumulated on the trophies.

This job is discussed for a special reason. Actually, to apply for this job, you must have a college degree. Graduation degree also. Yes, this organization is looking for a post graduate person. That is, now educated people are also needed to remove dust from trophies. Not only should he have the magic of cleanliness in his hand, but he should also be educated.

trophies get dirty
The Premier League is looking for a worker to clean the trophies kept in the club’s museum. Many trophies are lying in the club museum located in Old Trafford. A thick layer of dust accumulates on them. In such a situation, now the club has decided to hire someone to clean it. The person should not only know how to remove the dust but also should know how to pack it back in the box properly.

Must be a graduate to dust

many more responsibilities
The museum staff told that in this job the person should also know photography. The things kept in the museum should also be kept properly decorated. If the person has a graduation degree then he will get priority. The person will help in many types of matters. But his main job will be to dust off the trophies and then put them back on display. Along with this, the person should also be interested in football.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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