Vaccine Reaction On us women she is fighting for life

Vaccine Reaction: Many types of vaccines have come in the market to stay healthy and to avoid dangerous diseases of today’s times. During the Covid period, it was made mandatory for people to get vaccinated. If seen, vaccines protect the body from disease but for a woman this vaccine proved fatal. Within ten minutes of getting the vaccine, the condition of the woman became such that her life was in danger. This case is from the state of Florida in America.

The woman’s condition deteriorated after getting the vaccine
A 23-year-old woman in Florida got vaccinated and had a dangerous reaction. The woman was suffering from a disease called PNH and she had a reaction after getting the vaccine. According to the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, this woman named Alex Lorenz was vaccinated against tetanus, pneumonitis and meningitis at the UCR Medical Center. Her condition started deteriorating just ten minutes after getting the vaccine. She started vomiting, her eyes started hurting due to which she started seeing less. Along with this, her jaws got clenched and spots started appearing on her forehead.

Reaction due to blood disorder
Let us tell you that this woman did not have medical insurance and so she was soon transferred to a hospital in Los Angeles. The reasons for the reaction and why it happened are being investigated and efforts are being made to ensure that she recovers soon.

Lorenz has shared photos and videos of her deteriorating condition on social media, seeing which people are scared. It is being said that the woman possibly had a blood disorder due to which she had a reaction to the vaccine. Lorenz said that she was given a blood transfusion due to which her condition has improved somewhat but she has not fully recovered.

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