Samajwadi Partyâs National President Akhilesh Yadav was seen in Banarasi style on Friday. Attended Kashi Vishwanath Dham in the morning. After this roam around the streets of Kashi and taste famous Banarasi delicacies like Kachori, Malaiyo and Chaat etc. While tasting Kachori-Jalebi, Akhilesh Yadav said that the makers of Kachori-Vegetable and Jalebi are from Mau-Azamgarh. They have come out after being selected from our area and it is natural that the one who will be selected will be good. After this he reached to attend a wedding ceremony organized in Sarnath. Then he left for the airport.
Earlier last evening, after paying obeisance at the Sankatmochan temple, the SP president reached Pappuâs tea stall on Assi. While enjoying lemon tea, Akhilesh Yadav also asked for the recipe. Pappu told that apart from black salt, cumin, lemon, water is boiled and sugar is added to it. After seeing the photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the shop, the SP chief asked in a joking tone that you do not put photos of socialists here? No problem, letâs drink tea with your MPâs photo today. On this Pappu said that you have come for the first time, now your photo will also be taken. SP workers were standing outside the shop chanting Har Har Mahadev.
SP President and former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav reached Varanasi on Thursday evening after participating in the programs organized in Ballia and Ghazipur. In welcome, drums and drums were played at different intersections and intersections from Babatpur to Jawahar Nagar. National President Jawahar Nagar based former National Secretary of the party late. Pradeep went to Bajajâs house. Tried him and met his family members and consoled him. Then went to Sankatmochan temple and Assi.
Read: Akhilesh Yadav raised questions at the Investors Summit, said â If you wear a suit and tie, BJP will get the MOU done Akhilesh Yadav reached Kashi Vishwanath Dham on Friday morning on the second day of the tour. Worshiped Baba Vishwanath with rituals and wished for all the best. After this, looked at Babaâs peak from the premises and bowed down. Kashi Vishwanath stayed in the campus for a long time and kept meeting people.
The SP chief went to Rajaram Yadavâs shop at Kachori Gali, where he drank creamy lassi. Similarly, went to Ram Bhandar in Thatheri market, where he tasted Kachori and Jalebi. After reaching Manish Yadavâs Vishwanath Phalahar in front of gate number four, tasted Malaiyo and Malai Gilauri. Went to Satyanarayan Bhandar and also ate Malpua.
After this went to Nandgaon of Sarnath. The former MLC attended the wedding of Kashinath Yadavâs daughter and blessed the newly married couple. He also visited the house of Chandmari-based hockey player Satish Narayan Singh. After this, Raspa leader Shashi went to Pratap Singhâs house in Shivpur. Also cut the cake together with everyone. After this left for Delhi from the airport.