Vastu Shastra Tips Remedies Do Not Plant These Trees In Your House

Vastu Shastra Tips Remedies Do Not Plant These Trees In Your HouseVastu Shastra Tips Remedies Do Not Plant These Trees In Your House

Vastu Plants For Home: According to Vastu Shastra, everything kept in the house has its effect on a person’s life. A definite direction has been given to keep everything in Vastu. There are special rules related to trees and plants in Vastu and if you don’t follow it, you have to face its side effects. In Vastu Shastra, it has been told about some such plants which bring bad luck if planted in the house.

It is believed that these trees and plants bring poverty in the house. Let us know which trees and plants are considered inauspicious in Vastu Shastra, which everyone should avoid planting in the house.

Do not plant this plant at home even by mistake

  • In Vastu Shastra, thorny plants should never be planted inside and around the house. Thorny plants create an atmosphere of tension in the house. Planting these plants in the house increases mutual differences between the members of the house.
  • Date palm tree should never be planted in the house. Planting a date palm tree in the house is considered very inauspicious. This tree looks very beautiful but it is believed that planting it in the house increases the debt on the members of the house and stops the progress of the family.
  • According to Vastu Shastra, planting tamarind tree in the house is also very inauspicious. Planting this tree brings negativity in the house. By applying this, there is always an atmosphere of fear and dread in the house. That’s why tamarind tree should never be planted in the house.
  • Peepal plant is considered divine but planting it in the house is not auspicious. This plant brings negative energy in the house. It is believed that ghosts and spirits live on this tree. That’s why it should never be used in the house. If Peepal plant has grown in the wall or any corner of the house, then it should also be removed.
  • If any trees and plants planted in the house are drying up, then they should be removed immediately. According to Vastu, dry plants and trees bring sadness in the house. Due to these, negativity energy increases in the house.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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