Vastu Tips For Food Know The Right Direction For Eating As Per Vastu Shastra

Vastu Tips For Eating Food: Energy and directions have special importance in Vastu Shastra. Information about auspicious directions has been given for every work in Vastu. There are special rules related to the direction of eating food in Vastu. Failure to follow these rules of Vastu leads to poverty in the house. Let us know about these rules of Vastu related to food.

rules of food related to vastu

    • According to Vastu Shastra, it is very important to take care of the directions while eating food. According to Vastu, the best direction for eating food is North and East direction. At the same time, the south has been considered the most inauspicious direction for eating food. The direction of south is considered to be of Yama. According to Vastu, eating food in this direction reduces the age of a person and also increases bad luck.

  • West direction is also considered inauspicious for eating food in Vastu. It is believed that by eating food facing the west, the person’s debt increases. Eating food facing this direction brings poverty in the house.
  • Food should always be taken facing east or north direction. These two are considered the directions of the gods. It is believed that by eating food facing these directions, Goddess Lakshmi resides in the house and health is also good.
  • According to Vastu, food should never be eaten by wearing shoes or by covering the head. By doing this, food is insulted. While eating food while sitting on the bed, Mother Lakshmi gets angry. Due to this there is lack of money in the house.
  • It has been told in Vastu Shastra that food should always be taken after taking a bath. One should always eat after taking bath wearing clean clothes. With this, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi as well as Annapurna Devi are also showered.
  • Food should never be eaten in broken utensils or by keeping it on hand. According to Vastu, the best place to eat food is the kitchen or the place around it. Food should be taken in such a place where natural light and pure air keep coming.
  • Take as much food in the plate as you need to eat. Leaving false food is considered an insult to food. Due to this there is shortage of money and food in the house.

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