Vastu Tips For Home Follow Easy Vastu Remedies For Happiness And Prosperity

Vastu Tips For Home: Vastu has been given great importance in Hinduism. Especially when it comes to home, it becomes even more important to take care of Vastu. Actually, there are many Vastu defects related to the house. If these are not taken care of, then negative energy starts entering the house. These negative energies invite unrest, financial crisis, diseases and sorrows in your home.

These negative energies cannot be seen but can be felt. If you feel that there are negative energies in your home that are troubling you, then you can drive them away from your home by adopting some simple tips. Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas said that according to Vastu Shastra, nowadays everyone takes measures or follows its rules to maintain happiness, prosperity and peace in their homes.

According to Vastu, if there are some Vastu defects around us, then there will be upheaval in a person’s life. Due to Vastudosh in the house, negative energy comes in the house, due to which the person goes into depression. According to Vastu Shastra, very easy ways have been given to remove negativity from the house.

For every person, his house is one of the most relaxing places. A person likes to spend time in his spare time by staying at home among family members. In such a situation, it is very important to always have positive energy at home. If negative energy prevails in the house, then there are more chances of frequent fights between the family members.

Remedies to remove negative energy from home

  • Some measures have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra, with the help of which we can drive away negative energy from our homes. The easiest way to remove negative energy from the house is to open the windows of the house for some time during the day. By doing this, light and air comes in the house due to which negative energy comes out.
  • You must plant a basil plant in the north direction of the house. Apart from this, make the idol of Lord Ganesha, Swastik and Om mark at the main door of the house. Negative energy does not remain in the houses where ghee lamps are lit regularly in the morning and evening.
  • The temple built at home should be cleaned daily. Flowers and garlands offered to deities should be removed on the second day. A bouquet of dried flowers at home creates a sense of negativity among the family members. In such a situation, it is appropriate to throw them out of the house.
  • If some electrical equipment of the house is not working properly, then they should be rectified immediately. There should be no dampness and cracks in the walls of the house. Due to this, negative energy enters the house.
  • To remove negative energy from the house, it is auspicious to keep salt in a vessel in the east direction. Salt drives away negative energy and attracts positive energy.
  • By squeezing 5 lemons in a bucket of water, adding one cup of salt and about a quarter cup of white vinegar, clean all the windows and doors of the house with this mixture. With this remedy, negative energy will never enter your house.
  • The health of the members of the household depends on the kitchen of your house. Do not leave the gas stove dirty, keeping it dirty affects your health. Apart from this, this thing also affects your economic progress.
  • Sprinkle a little salt on all the four corners of the bedroom. After 48 hours sprinkle salt again in all the four corners. This will eliminate the negative energy of the entire room. Even if a sick person has stayed in that room, its effect will also end.
  • The doors of all the toilets in the house should be kept closed at all times and the lids of all the toilets should also be kept closed. By doing this, you stay away from the effect of negative energy.
  • Ring the bell at least 3 times daily in all parts of the house to re-awaken the sources of energy lying dormant in your house. There will definitely be benefit from this remedy.
  • Keeping bouquets of fresh flowers in the rooms destroys all kinds of bad forces. The fragrance of flowers makes the mind happy as well as gives a feeling of spiritual peace.
  • According to Vastu, all the positive energy enters through the main door only. That’s why the main door of the house should be kept clean.

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