Vastu Tips For Home Know The Right Direction From Main Gate To Bedroom

Vastu Tips For Home Know The Right Direction From Main Gate To BedroomVastu Tips For Home Know The Right Direction From Main Gate To Bedroom

Vastu Tips For Home: Vastu Shastra is based on energy balance. Building a house according to Vastu is considered auspicious. Vastu compliant house gives the effect of positive energy. Due to this, happiness and prosperity resides in the house and the members of the house get mental peace. In this, the special importance of each and every direction of the house and each and every room has been told. In Vastu Shastra, the right direction from the main door of the house to the bedroom has been told. Building a house according to Vastu does not cause Vastudosh and the people of the house remain happy. Let us know which room should be in which direction of the house according to Vastu.

East direction

East direction is the direction of sunrise. Positive and energetic rays enter our house from this direction. It is considered very good to have the main gate of the house in this direction. If the main door is not possible, then definitely keep a window in this direction.

West direction

Your kitchen or bathroom should be in the west direction of the house. Keep in mind that the kitchen and toilet should not be adjacent to each other.

north direction

In Vastu, it is considered auspicious to have the windows and doors of the house in this direction. The balcony and wash basin of the house should also be in this direction. If the main door of your house is also in this direction, then it is considered more auspicious.

south direction

There should not be any kind of opening or toilet in the south direction of the house. Any heavy item should be kept in the south direction of the house. It is considered inauspicious to have a door or window in this direction. Due to this, negative energy enters the house and troubles increase in the house.

north-east direction

The north-east direction of the house is called the north-east corner. This direction is considered the place of water. There should be boring, swimming pool, worship place in this direction of the house. It is very good to have a main gate in this direction.

north-west direction

It is also called the northwest direction. Your bedroom, garage, cowshed etc should be in this direction.

southeast direction

This is called the southeast angle of the house. This is the direction of fire element. There should be gas, boiler, transformer etc. in this direction.

southwest direction

This direction is known as the southwest direction. There should be no windows and doors in this direction at all. The room of the head of the house can be made here.


Every house should have a courtyard. A house is considered incomplete without a courtyard. Flowery plants that give positive energy like basil, pomegranate, jamphal, sweet or bitter neem and amla should be planted in the courtyard of the house.

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