Vastu Tips These Things Increase Vastu Dosh And Debts At Home Know Upay

Vastu Tips These Things Increase Vastu Dosh And Debts At Home Know UpayVastu Tips These Things Increase Vastu Dosh And Debts At Home Know Upay

Vastu Tips: Vastu defects of the house can be the reason for the ever-increasing debt and weakening of the financial condition. Many types of problems arise due to Vastu defect in the house, in which the problem of increasing debt is also one.

Debt increases due to fault in these directions

According to Vastu Shastra, due to Vastu defects in the north-west corner (north-west direction), fire angle (south-east) and north-east corner (north-east) of the house, problems related to money arise. Due to the fault in the North-West direction, the situation of taking loan again and again arises. Due to Vastu defects in the south-east direction, there is a continuous increase in expenses, due to which it becomes difficult to repay the loan.

On the other hand, due to Vaastu defect in the north-east direction, a person gets into debt by getting involved in stock market, gambling, speculation, lottery etc. But about some measures in Vastu Shastra, by which you can get rid of debt by removing Vastu defects of the house.

These measures will help you get rid of debt

  • Mirror: The mirror placed in the wrong direction at home also causes Vastu defects. That’s why never put a mirror in the north or east direction. This causes terrible Vastu defects. If there is a mirror in this direction, remove it immediately.
  • Bathroom: There should never be a bathroom in the south-west part of the house. A bathroom built in this direction can drown you in debt. If a bathroom has already been built in this direction, then to remove Vastu defects, keep a bowl full of salt here and keep changing the salt from time to time.
  • water tap: If water is dripping from any tap in the house, get it fixed immediately. This causes loss of happiness and prosperity of the house. It is said that, along with the water from the dripping tap, the wealth of the house also gets washed away.
  • Debt Relief Remedy: According to Vastu Shastra, whenever you take a loan or loan, pay the first installment on Tuesday only. Due to this, the burden of debt is removed quickly.
  • Bedroom: There are many rooms in the house. But according to Vastu Shastra, the room of the head of the house should not be in the north-west direction. If the head of the household has a room in this direction, he suffers losses in his job and business and even against his will, the situation of taking a loan arises.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that Does not represent, validate or verify information of any kind. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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