VIDEO: To eat something spicy, fun, make Chili Soya Nutrela, you will get dry Manchurian taste


Many types of nutrients are present in soya chunks made from soybean.
You can make Tasty Chilli Soya Nutrela in Manchurian style with soya chunks.

Chilly Soya Nutella Recipe: Soya is very healthy for health. Any dish made with soya chunks looks very tasty. Children like this very much. The body remains healthy by eating soya chunks which are rich in nutrients like protein, calcium, fiber etc. People often eat soya chunks by putting them in vegetables or it is used in veg pulao. You can also make it as a snack or dry veg manchurian. Here we are sharing a very different, healthy, tasty recipe, which is made from soya chunks. It is also very easy to make. The name of the recipe is Chilli Soya Nutrela. This recipe has been shared on the Instagram account named (appetizing_you). Let’s know what are the ingredients he has used to make Chili Soya Nutrela and what is the method.

Ingredients to make Chili Soya Nutrela
Soya chunks – 1 bowl
Flour – 1 teaspoon
Cornflour – 2 teaspoons
Red chili powder – 1 tsp
salt – as per taste
oil – as required
Garlic – 2-3 cloves
Onion – 1 big
Capsicum – 1 big
Soya sauce – 1/2 tsp
Vinegar – half teaspoon
Schezwan sauce – half teaspoon
Tomato Sauce – 1/2 tsp
White sesame seeds – half teaspoon

Tags: food, Food Recipe, instagram videos, Lifestyle

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