Video: Woman predicted plane crash, told how she realized it, accident happened the very next day

Do you know any person who has a premonition? Such people who have prior knowledge of any accident. Has anyone told you about any such incident or accident which later happened? You must have heard about such people. In many countries such people are called psychics. There is a discussion about one such woman about whom it is being claimed that she has predicted the horrific plane crash that happened in Sao Paulo.

Followers got scared
Brazilian influencer Chalene Gracic, known as the ‘Psychic of the Stars’, predicted a devastating event during an Instagram live session last Thursday, August 8. In this, she terrified her 15 million followers with a “vision” of destruction.

What did you see?
“If you are from Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba or Rio Grande do Sul, start praying. I am telling people that I see a plane falling these days with many people on board,” she warned.

He claimed that this premonition was almost divine, “as if God wanted to show me something”. This terrifying prediction came 21 minutes into his livestream on August 8, but he later shared a special clip in another post. The suspense of this prediction could not last long because the very next day it became known how much truth there was in it?

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