Vidur Niti Mahabharat Vidur Rule For Making Rich Parson

Vidur Niti: Mahatma Vidur, the main character of Mahabharata and great scholar, is considered to be the incarnation of Dharmaraj. He always used to give knowledge of the welfare of the people, national interest and life-useful policies to Maharaja Dhritarashtra of Hastinapur. Along with this, he tried to stop the Mahabharata war by his policies to the Maharaja. Mahatma Vidur always tried how to make the nation a state of prosperity. However, Maharaj Dhritarashtra never liked these ethical things of his, whereas the Pandavas always respected and obeyed the words of Mahatma Vidur.

In the policies of Mahatma Vidur, a policy has also been given to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. According to Vidur policy, the person who will comply with this policy. Mother Lakshmi’s blessings will shower on him. With the grace of Goddess Lakshmi, there will never be any shortage of wealth and prosperity in life. Let’s learn these rules.


श्रीरमंगलात प्रभावति प्रगल्भ्यात सम्प्रवर्धते।

Dakshyattu Kurute Moolam Samyamat Pratishthati.

good deeds from Mother Lakshmi Of would have Is Receipt

According to this verse of Vidur Niti, those who do good deeds get Lakshmi. Those who do good deeds means good deeds. Lakshmi ji’s blessings shower on them. Maa Lakshmi always sits near him. According to Vidur Niti, wealth earned by auspicious deeds always increases. While the money earned by wrong way appears to increase in the beginning but after 10 years it ends.

Work Of To Each time stay active

According to Vidur policy, people should do their work without any laziness, using their maximum intelligence and ability. Vidur ji says that those who are always ready for their work, no one can stop them from becoming rich. That’s why a person should be active all the time and work wisely. Never take any decision in a rush.

Skills in advance do Funds Expense

According to Mahatma Vidurji, if you want that the blessings of wealth remain in the house forever. If the blessings of Maa Lakshmi ji continue to shower, then apart from spending the money very thoughtfully, the money should be spent skillfully while thinking about the future as well. Money should always be spent worrying about tomorrow.

mandarin And Lazy person, According to Vidur Niti, those who are indolent and lazy. Mother Lakshmi does not reside in his place. Those who postpone all their work till tomorrow. They themselves become the cause of destruction. According to Vidur policy, laziness is the biggest enemy of man. That’s why a person should give up laziness and choose the path of hard work.

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