Vidur Niti That Person Who Criticize Others Are Untrustworthy Be Aware Of Them Otherwise May Be Big Loss

Vidur Niti: Vidur, the uncle of the Kauravas and the Pandavas in the Mahabharata, has been considered very learned. Even his enemies used to respect his scholarship and love of justice. Although Mahatma Vidur was the son of Dasi, but he was appointed the prime minister of Hastinapur. He was also the advisor of Maharaja Yudhishthira. Maharaja used to consult Vidur on all his important decisions.

Vidur Niti is a compilation of dialogues and conversations between Maharaja Dhritarashtra of Hastinapur and Mahatma Vidur. He is the first person who had predicted the result of Mahabharata and Maharaja Dhritarashtra had also told that the result of this war would be terrible. That’s why Mahatma Vidur had requested Maharaja Dhritarashtra a lot to stop it.

Vidur has mentioned in his policies that one should never trust such a person, otherwise one may have to suffer a huge loss. Vidur ji says that the person who condemns others. He is never able to be trusted.

When Maharaja Dhritarashtra asked Vidura about the character of a person who criticizes others! Then Vidur ji said that such people who condemn others, condemn those in front of whom they are condemning. Such people cannot be relatives of anyone. Such people are not worth trusting.

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People who criticize others create doubt or suspicion in the relationship. They want to rule by creating disputes among the people. Such people neither get respect from the society nor does anyone like them.

Vidur ji says that the person who tests his close friends, relatives and relatives again and again and checks their veracity. Such persons should never be trusted.

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