Want to eat something tasty and spicy, make Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes, watch video recipe


Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes can become a favorite dish of children.
The recipe for Korean Chilli Garlic Potatoes is very easy.

Korean Chilli Garlic Potato Video Recipe: Potato is such a vegetable that many types of tasty snacks can be easily prepared in minutes. But many times people want to try something new and keep searching for the recipe of a special dish. In such a situation, if you want to taste the Korean test dish made of potatoes. So you can try the best recipe of Korean chili garlic potato.

Let us know that this special and delicious recipe of Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes Instagram User (@shahins_kitchen) Has shared through video on his account. Apart from being special, this recipe is also very easy to make. So let’s know the recipe for making Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes.

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Ingredients for Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes
To make Korean Chili Garlic Potatoes, four-five medium sized potatoes, two spoons of corn flour, quarter spoon of red chili powder, one spoon of soy sauce, one spoon of red chili sauce, one spoon of white vinegar, one spoon of tomato ketchup, one spoon of white Take sesame seeds, 4-5 chopped garlic buds, salt as per taste, oil and water as required. Let us now know about the method of making it.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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