Was the punishment of crucifixion started to make fun? Know how old the history is

In ancient times, crucifixion was considered the most barbaric method of giving death penalty. Apart from this, burning and beheading were two other methods of giving death penalty. Like the biggest and cruelest punishment for terrorizing the people, it also used to be a form of spectacle. Jesus Christ was also killed by being crucified, according to the Bible, Jesus died 6 hours after being crucified. However, this terrible method of giving death penalty had started years before his birth.

Death by crucifixion could happen even after several days
In ancient times, when a person was crucified, it was not like that within a few minutes or a few minutes. He used to die. 

In many cases, the person who was crucified died several days later. Those crucified died due to suffocation, lack of blood and water and gradual failure of the organs. This is the reason why it was considered the most cruel punishment.

The punishment of crucifixion was prevalent among the Persian people.
According to a BBC report written by Dr. Cilliers, crucifixion was started in Assyria and Babylon. These two great civilizations of the world flourished in today’s West Asia. 

This method of giving death penalty was quite popular among the Persian people at that time. At that time, the people of Persia used to crucify people on trees and pillars instead of crosses. BBC has quoted Professor Perez as saying that this method was used to give cruel death sentence along with making fun of the guilty person. For this, they were hanged from a tree so that they die of suffocation and fatigue.

Kings gave this punishment to many people
Many kings and emperors used to maintain their fear by giving this punishment in front of people. It is said that Alexander and his army had crucified about 2000 people in the city of Tire in Lebanon. This practice, which lasted for many centuries, finally came to an end and the Roman Emperor Constantine abolished the painful and barbaric punishment of crucifixion in the fourth century AD.               

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