Was this the first photo to be uploaded on the internet, what is its truth? Many people may not know!

Ever since the Internet has spread its foot in this world, the world has completely changed. With the help of the Internet, today humanity has reached such a level which perhaps could not have been imagined 100 years ago. Internet has made it easy to know about the whole world and the universe while sitting in one corner of the world. There are countless pictures on the internet, which are related to different subjects. But have you ever wondered what will be the first photo to be uploaded on the internet? Today we are going to tell you about it, and also tell you what confusions arise among people regarding this picture.

It is claimed that this picture was first uploaded on the internet. (Photo: Twitter/@thepainterflynn)

According to the reports of Amusing Planet and CBC, a historical photo taken in 1992 remains much discussed even today. This story starts from Switzerland. There was a research center of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in the city of Geneva. It was a kind of small town, in which restaurants, schools for small children, coffee shops, bars etc. were also present. Thousands of employees used to work here. Because of this, building a social life was also a goal for him. For entertainment purposes, some girls together started a band named ‘Les Horribles Cernettes’ which used to perform at CERN events.

The band’s composer and CERN worker Silvano de Gennaro. (Photo: CERN)

World Wide Web created in CERN!
Once Silvano de Gennaro, the composer of this band and an employee of CERN, took a photo of the girls and edited it and prepared it as a promotional photo for the 1992 World Expo. Once one of Silvano’s interns saw that picture on his computer. He told that his boss is preparing a software in which he wants to upload these photos. The name of the boss was Tim Berners-Lee, who was working on the early version of the World Wide Web. So the story is that the intern took that photo and got it uploaded to the software. In this way this photo became the first photo.

Tim Berners Lee, creator of WWW. (Photo: Twitter/timberners_lee)

What is the truth of the first photo?
But according to the report of Metro website, this story is wrong. Silvano gave an interview to Metro, in which he told that this is not complete information. No one knows which is the first photo to be uploaded to the software. But it was not. Silvano said that this software was created for discussion among scientists, in such a situation, Tim Gambhir wanted to make that software serious, so that funding could be received for it from the bank. Because of this, it took some time for Tim to decide that he wanted to include something other than science related things on this software.

This was not the first photo!
Silvano’s wife Michelle said that Tim later created a web page in which he showed about extracurricular activities related to CERN. He wanted to tell that the center has not only science but also entertainment items. Then his intern must have posted that photo. In such a situation, it is wrong to say that this was the first photo to be uploaded on the Internet, however, apart from science, this could be the first photo to be posted from the entertainment point of view.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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