Water doesn’t get wet, then why do we get wet? This question is tricky, but the answer is very simple…

One of the things most important for our survival is water. If we don’t get anything, we can survive for a few days on the strength of air and water. Water is not only necessary for our survival, but water is added to whatever thing needs to be wetted. For example, water is used for bathing, washing clothes or even for cleaning something.

We know water by this quality that wherever it falls, it makes that place wet. Whether it is on someone’s body or on any surface. You will be surprised to know that water itself is not wet, then how does it get us wet? Let us know what science works behind it.

water itself does not get wet
Generally we know that water is so wet that wherever it falls, it fills the place with moisture. Actually water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen contains moisture and this moisture gives the quality of moisture to water. There is water in the liquid form of oxygen but it itself is not wet. When water hits a solid surface, we consider it as wetness. Water itself is a mixture of many types of metals, minerals and molecules, which is also its natural quality.

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What do scientists say?
Most scientists believe that water itself is not wet but can give the experience of wetness to others. When water remains in liquid form, its molecules are at a short distance but reflection takes place in contact with temperature. However, water cannot wet everything. For example, plastic does not get wet with water. Overall, wetness is not actually a quality of water, it is just an experience that occurs on our existence after coming in contact with water.

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