Weak hand grip can be a sign of many serious diseases, read the full study

Weak grip of hands can be a sign not only of weakness but also of many serious diseases. Doctors in Delhi have revealed in a research that people with weak hand grip are always at risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney, liver diseases, cancer, muscle weakness and broken bones.  

This special test must be done after 18 years of age.

According to the news published in Times of India, weak hand grip can be a sign of many diseases. Can. People with weak grip are more likely to be admitted to hospital. Besides, their nutritional level also starts decreasing. According to Dr. Anoop Mishra of Fortis Hospital, every person should keep getting it done after 18 years. This test is a special kind of preventive health checkup because it shows whether the person’s muscles are gradually becoming weak. Weak muscles mean diabetes. >

Weak muscle disease is very common in India. Many researches and studies have revealed that the main reason for this is that the people here suffer from diabetes. Even if the weight is normal, most of the people suffer from diabetes. Not only obesity and belly fat, low muscles can be due to many reasons. 

If you are suffering from weak muscles, then find out like this

If men have weak hand grip then their lower grip limit will be 27.5 kg. And if the grip is less in women then it will be less than 18 kg. If someone’s grip is less than 27.5 kg, it means that his muscles are very weak. A person should often be careful in this matter because it affects bone strength, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. 

How to strengthen a weak grip?


Walking is good to strengthen weak grip. Apart from this, resistance exercise should be done with weights or thera band. Walking develops and strengthens muscles. 

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