weight loss myths vs fact stop eating wheat flour chapati you will become fit and slim

Roti For Weight: Obesity today has emerged as a big problem not only in the country but all over the world. This is the reason why people are trying to lose weight by doing intense exercise as well as following a strict diet to reduce obesity. Many people even give up eating bread and rice in order to stay fit. In such a situation, it is natural to raise the question whether eating wheat bread increases weight. People often have this confusion in their mind, will there be weight loss if they stop eating wheat bread? Different dieticians have different opinions regarding this. So let us know what is wheat bread and let us tell you the connection between its weight.

Myth: Does eating wheat bread increase weight?

Fact: There is no doubt that roti has more calories and more carbohydrates. Therefore, if roti is eaten in large quantities, more calories are consumed in the body and it gets stored in the body as fat. So it can be said that if wheat bread is eaten in excess, weight may increase.

Myth: Does giving up wheat flour roti cause weight loss?

Fact:With changing times and lifestyle, everyone from dieticians to gym trainers recommend eating other millets instead of wheat rotis. Actually, wheat bread has more calories. In such a situation, roti does not affect the health of people who do regular exercise, but people who eat wheat roti but do not do any kind of physical activities, their weight can increase due to eating roti.

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How much bread should one eat in a day?

If you are losing weight, then include more and more fiber and protein in your diet. Along with this, you can eat 2 to 3 rotis throughout the day. Also, regular exercise and eating rotis made of jowar, millet, ragi flour can give better results.

Can rice increase weight?

Often people are advised to eat less rice, because it increases weight. Thin people keep getting these questions every day, in such a situation the question arises whether eating rice can increase weight. Regarding this, experts say that since rice gets easily digested after eating, it can help in increasing weight.

The body absorbs the nutrients present in rice very easily, the effect of which is visible on weight. If someone likes to eat pulses and rice or prepares khichdi and eats it, his weight may increase.

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Which is better roti or rice in weight loss

According to the dietitian, if you want to lose weight, you should avoid eating easily digestible foods, because the body easily absorbs such foods and you feel hungry quickly. If both roti and rice are not eaten in the right quantity, they increase weight. Since rice is digested quickly and works to increase calories rapidly, it leads to more weight gain and roti is digested slowly, hence it is considered good in reducing weight.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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