Weird Tradition: Here people marry the corpses, put the bones of the woman in the grave of an unmarried man!

People living in all the countries of the world remain in discussion because of their different beliefs. The beliefs of every place are different from each other and people living in other countries find it strange. One such belief is prevalent in China which is called Ghost Wedding in China. Like every marriage, in this also only an unmarried man and woman get married, the only difference is that it is done after the death of both.

Yes, you read it right, this wedding is weird because it is done after someone’s death. According to the report of BBC website, the history of Ghost marriage in China is 3000 years old. Under this marriage people marry two unmarried dead people. The reason for this is that they want that if they do not get the happiness of marriage while they are alive, then they get it after death, so that their next life or life after death can be happy. In marriage, the girl’s bones are put in the boy’s grave so that they stay together.

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marry dead people
This marriage is also organized with pomp like normal marriages. The bride’s family demands money for the bride and dowry is also included in it. Jewelry, servant and house are given as dowry, but they give everything on paper, not in reality. This tradition was followed in many parts of China for a long time and only dead people were involved, but many cases have also come to light in which dead bodies have been stolen or alive women have been put to death. .

Dead bodies are sold for Rs 5 lakh
According to the BBC report, the 2014 census in China told that there are only 100 girls for every 115.9 boys. In the desire of boys, girls were killed in the womb itself. Now because of this people are not getting girls for ghost marriage. This is the reason why people do not leave even the dead bodies of girls and steal them from the cemeteries. It has been told in the report that people sell the dead bodies or their bones of young women for Rs 5 lakh. To earn big money, young women are also put to death. Most of this practice was performed in Shangzi province where there are coal mines and many unmarried youths work there. They die by being buried in the mine and after death they are married to dead bodies to give them happiness.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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