What are the best hygiene tips for females read full article in hindi

Women often take complete care of the cleanliness of their face or body but often do not take as much care of the hygiene of the private part as they should. If you do not take proper care of the private part, then the risk of many infections can increase.

Maintain the hygiene of your private parts

Infections can be both normal and serious. But you can reduce the risk by taking care of it. You have to take care of some special things to take care of the hygiene of your private parts.

How should women clean their private parts?

use mild soap

You can use mild soap or cleanser to keep your private parts hygienic. You can also use soap to keep your thigh area clean. Do not use soaps full of chemicals to clean your private parts. Also, do not use soaps with a smell. This can cause itching in the private parts. Also, clean your private parts with lukewarm water.

use tissue paper

After using the toilet in a public toilet or any party function outside, one should use tissue paper. This cleans the toilet properly. Because infection can also occur due to the toilet. Due to which the risk of bacteria increases. After using the toilet, one can also wash with water.

Wear undergarments of the right fabric and size

To take special care of the cleanliness and hygiene of the private part, wear the right size undergarment. Also, make sure that the fabric is right. Otherwise, it can cause itching and burning in the private part. Therefore, wear good quality undergarments.

practice safe sex

Take special care of the cleanliness of the private part. Follow protection during this time. Also, go to the washroom and clean yourself. This reduces the risk of infection. The body shape and working style of all women is different. Therefore, if you face any kind of problem during this time, then definitely contact the doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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