What are the provisions regarding land donated in land survey know all details

Survey work has to be done in Bihar from Patna to the entire state, For this, Gram Sabha is being organised in many areas for the survey., Awareness is being spread among the people, So far, the government has 23 More than a thousand Gram Sabhas have been organised, Actually the main reason behind the land survey in Bihar is that the Bihar government feels that land disputes are the cause of most of the crimes.,

The entire land in Bihar will be surveyed, In such a situation, the question arises that what is the provision regarding the land received as donation?, Let’s find out,

What is the provision for land received as donation,

Let us tell you that there is a practice of donating land in many villages of Bihar, People donate land to their priest and nephew, Apart from this, many people also donate land to their daughters., Many times there are no documents for such land., In such a case, the matter will be completely in the court of the family who donated the land survey., If that family separates itself from that land, Then the ownership of the donated land will be given to some other person.,

According to experts, the person who donated, he has to show the documents, There is no provision for oral donation in Hindu law, If the donating family backs out, So people may face problem for this, In this situation, the land owner should contact his donor in advance, They have to be persuaded to withdraw their candidacy,

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