What Color Should Your Tongue Be and What Do Different Colors Indicate | The color of the tongue reveals many secrets, find out today by looking in the glass.

The tongue not only tastes food but also reveals many secrets about health. According to research, when you fall ill, the first thing the doctor checks your tongue because tongue tells a lot about your health. Tongue is a very important part of our body. The tongue itself has that sense through which you can taste the food. The color of our tongue also reveals our health.

If the color of your tongue is changing, then without wasting time you should immediately consult a doctor. In fact, recently a research has come out in which it is clearly written that the color of the tongue changes in the initial symptoms of many serious diseases.

white tongue
If the color of your tongue has become white then it is a sign of a major disease. According to experts, when your tongue is turning white, there is a severe shortage of water in your body. White tongue indicates early symptoms of diseases such as leukoplakia, oral lichen planus and syphilis.

red tongue
According to doctors, if the color of your tongue has become red then it often happens in such a situation when flu, fever or infection has knocked in the body. Red tongue shows symptoms of vitamin B and iron deficiency.

black tongue
Blackening of the tongue is a sign of a serious and major disease. According to experts, blackening of the tongue indicates diseases like cancer, fungus and ulcer. Often the color of the tongue becomes black due to bacteria or fungus in the throat.

yellow tongue
According to doctors, yellow tongue can also be caused by overeating. On the other hand, if we talk about diseases, then due to diarrhea, liver or excessive bacteria in the mouth, the color of the tongue starts turning yellow. Due to this, bad breath, tiredness and fever may occur.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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