What happened to this city? People hung red bottles outside their houses, knowing the reason will make your head spin

Sea: In many localities of Sagar, red bottles are hanging outside the doors or windows of the houses. Seeing such a sight, strangers are initially scared. They think that the people here have done some black magic, but when they come to know the real reason behind these bottles, they are shocked. Actually, the people who hang the bottles are scared and have taken this measure to escape from fear.

In many streets and neighbourhoods of Sagar, an attempt is being made to drive away stray dogs by hanging these bottles outside the houses. People believe that seeing the red colour causes problems in the eyes of dogs. Because of this, they do not stop at the place where red colour is visible. They claim that this solution has provided some relief from dogs. Now as people are getting to know about this, people are hanging red bottles.

The whole district is troubled by dogs
Actually, there is a lot of terror of stray dogs not only in Sagar but in the entire district. Every day more than 30 patients are reaching the district hospital and Bundelkhand Medical College to get rabies injection. The Municipal Corporation had also set aside a budget of 5 lakhs last year to catch stray dogs, but it did not show any effect. Apart from this, about 15 days ago, an 8-year-old child was bitten by a dog in Bina, Sagar, who died during treatment. Just 2 days ago, 17 people were bitten by a mad dog in a village in two and a half hours. The people of the city are scared of the continuously increasing incidents. Now even children are not allowed to go out of the house alone. At the same time, various measures are also being taken to avoid these dogs. One of those measures is that people are hanging bottles filled with red color in front of their houses.

How to prepare a bottle filled with red colour
Let us tell you that a solution of red colour or mahavar is made and filled in a transparent bottle and a lid is put on it. With the help of a rope, it is hung in the street or near the door at such a height that if the dogs come in that direction, they see it. People believe that as soon as the dogs see the bottle, they run away. Saurabh Mishra of Baria Ghat says that the way the news of dog bites is coming out in the city, the fear is increasing. By adopting this method, the coming of dogs around our house has reduced considerably or in a way, they are not visible at all for two days.

Expert opinion
Experts say that just like some humans are color blind, dogs have trouble differentiating between blue, green and red colors, so dogs that live in the forest either come out in the morning or are active after sunset.

Tags: Amazing news, stray dog ​​attacks, Local18, Sagar News

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