what happens if you remove dal from your diet for a month

Pulses have a special importance in Indian food. Especially for those who do not eat non-veg, pulses are an important source of nutrition. Especially people living in South Asia like to eat pulses and rice in lunch. Today we will talk about what effect it will have on health if we stop eating pulses completely for a month.

What effect does not eating pulses have on the body?

We did a lot of research to know the answer to this question, what effect does not eating pulses have on our body? Our attention fell on an article published in the Indian Express. In this article, the disadvantages of not eating pulses and the benefits of eating pulses were explained in detail. Dal is completely vegan. It contains plant based proteins. Which is very important for muscles. Lentils are a good source of protein especially for vegetarians and vegans.

Lentils are rich in fiber and vitamins

Lentils contain abundant amount of fiber which is very good for digestion. It removes the problem of constipation and also promotes the microbiome in the stomach. It contains all these minerals along with vitamins in abundance. Like iron, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins etc.

blood sugar control

The carbohydrates present in pulses are digested slowly. Due to which the sugar level in the blood remains under control.

keeps the heart healthy

Eating pulses daily helps in reducing or controlling cholesterol in the body. At the same time it also reduces the risk of heart disease.

keeps weight under control

Due to the protein and fiber present in pulses, eating pulses makes the stomach feel full. Which helps in weight loss.

strong bones

Calcium and phosphorus present in pulses are essential for maintaining strong bones.

What will be the effect on the body if we do not eat pulses for a month?

protein deficiency

People who do not eat non-veg have to depend on pulses for protein. If you leave pulses completely, it can cause weakness, muscle pain and cramps.

digestive problems

Eating less fiber can cause constipation and digestive problems.

nutritional deficiencies

If you do not eat pulses, there will be a deficiency of nutrients in the body due to which the body will become deficient in vitamins. This will also have a direct impact on immunity.

Blood sugar remains under control

It is very important to eat pulses because it keeps the sugar level under control. Quitting pulses has a full impact on lifestyle and health. Vegetarians and vegans can fulfill the protein deficiency in the body by eating tofu, nuts, seeds and legumes.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

read this also: Is the problem of constipation troubling you, or is there some other solution to seeing flowers in the stomach, fix it with these home remedies.

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