what happens to your body when you go on a 7 day water only fast

Water Fasting: Keeping yourself fit in this modern lifestyle is a big challenge. People adopt many tricks to make themselves look healthy, slim and beautiful. For example, stop eating sweet fruits, sugar or chocolate at all. But today we are going to tell you about water fasting. Many things are said about water fasting. But today we will tell you both its advantages and disadvantages.

According to research by the University of Illinois at Chicago, water fasting reduces weight rapidly. But it is not effective for long. The researchers of this university have also claimed that water fasting is beneficial for a few days. But if you are doing it to reduce obesity then it is not good for the long term. One good thing about this fasting is that it cures minor diseases related to stomach and digestion. Also, to some extent, water fasting is effective in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

calories are reduced quickly

However, it does not have any special effect on those people who do this type of water fasting or fasting every day. There are many people who do low calorie or fast one day a week. Christa Vardi, professor of kinesiology and nutrition, who has led this entire research. This entire research of him and his team has been published in a nutrition critic magazine. According to Vardi, an expert on intermittent fasting, you can try it once. This is a very useful thing and after trying it, stomach related digestive problems go away.

However, he stressed that no one should do any of these fasts for more than five days without medical supervision. The new study is a review of eight studies on water fasting or the Buchinger fast. A medically supervised fast popular in Europe where people consume only small amounts of juice and soup during the day.

Researchers found that fasting helps in losing weight for some time. People who fasted for five days lost about 4 percent to 6 percent weight. People who fasted for seven to 10 days. They lost about 2 percent to 10 percent weight and fasted for 15 to 20 days. He lost 7 percent to 10 percent weight.

However, people who lost weight during five-day water fasting regained it within three months. Some studies and research included participants with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Those who did not had any ill effects from the fast, although they were closely monitored and their insulin doses were given during the fast. These long fasts also have side effects, such as headaches, insomnia and hunger, Vardi said. Things like metabolic acidosis or no death occurred in the study. Varadi said that people participating in these long fasts lost weight. Fat decreased compared to muscles.

Complete conclusion of the research

This research comes to the conclusion that water fasting reduces weight quickly but is not effective for long. In such a situation, researchers believe that intermittent fasting is more effective instead of water fasting and its results show long-term effects.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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