What Is A Roadside Speed ​​Camera Know The Meaning Of This Symbol

Speed ​​Camera Sign Board: The number of vehicles on the roads is increasing. Along with this, the cases of accidents are also increasing. Safety becomes very important while walking on the road in increasing traffic. In such a situation, sign boards are also installed at various places to ensure that traffic rules are followed. One such camera also has a sign board. Do you know why camera boards are put on the roadside?

It is important to follow traffic rules

Various types of traffic rules are made to avoid road accidents. So that accidents can be reduced. However, in haste some people break the traffic rules. For which they are fined or other legal action is taken. Actually, there is a debate on Twitter about a sign and there is a difference of opinion among the people. Many people say that they have seen this sign on the side of the road, but they do not know its meaning.

speed camera sign board

Actually, this is the sign of speed camera. To reduce the accidents on the roads, signboards are installed at different places. They are placed on the side of the road to warn in advance of an impending danger. One of these is also a sign of a speed camera.

What’s so special about it?

It was shared by a Twitter user named @FeyeraBender. Actually, it means that you are under CCTV surveillance. According to the highway code, this sign board with a black camera made on a white background tells that you are under the surveillance of the camera and at the same time the speed of your vehicle is also being monitored. So control your speed within the prescribed limit.

This sign board is used especially in Britain. After a Twitter user shared it, most people came to know its true meaning. A speed camera with two lenses is made in this signboard.

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