What Is Cyber ​​Kidnapping How Rich Parents Are Becoming Victims Of It

Recently a strange case was seen in America. Where a Chinese student was cyber kidnapped. Then when the police started searching for that 17-year-old student Kai Zhuang, the student was found sitting alone in a tent in a remote rural area. According to the police, the parents of that student had lodged a missing report of their son on December 28, but by the time the police could find the student, his parents had given an amount of 80 thousand dollars i.e. approximately 66,55,308 Indian rupees to the kidnappers. Had finished.

When the police searched for Kai, they found that it seemed that Kai had isolated himself. The police termed this case as ‘cyber kidnapping’, but do you know what cyber kidnapping is? Let us know.

What is cyber kidnapping?
Cyber ​​kidnapping means such kidnapping in which miscreants persuade a person to isolate himself or hide. After this, those criminals demand ransom from the parents or family members of that time. Cyber ​​kidnappers persuade the victim to believe their words to such an extent that the victim himself shares such pictures with them, due to which it seems that he has really been kidnapped and his life is in danger. In these photographs, the victim’s hands and legs are tied and his mouth is bandaged. Which are used by kidnappers for ransom.

The student was in contact with kidnappers since December 20
Something similar happened in the cyber kidnapping incident in China. Where such pictures of their son scared his parents. According to the police, the cyber kidnappers were in contact with the Chinese boy since December 20 and were entertaining him with their words. At the same time, experts believe that such kidnappers are very clever and seduce such children with their words who easily become their target. In such an incident, hackers target the victim by extracting all his/her information.

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