What Is Digital Fasting Know Digital Fasting Benefits When Doctor Ask For Digital Detox

Digital Fasting: You must have noticed that the time of using our smartphone is increasing year by year. Earlier, they used to watch a little bit of TV as well, but now people use smartphones while watching TV. In the world of smartphones, someone is missing on social media and someone is engrossed in watching videos. In today’s time, smartphones are seen in the hands of children to old people. Now even for photographs, not only the camera, but the smartphone is being used. People have started making vlogs. Now people are not going on trips to calm their mind, but to make videos from smartphones and put them on social media.

We have created our own little world around smartphones. Although the habit of sticking so much to the smartphone is not good at all. In such a situation, digital fasting has emerged as a good solution. Let’s know about it.

What is digital fasting?
Digital fasting sets a limit on the use of a smartphone in a day or a week. In digital fasting, people use technology only according to the prescribed time. Phone, tablet or laptop are usually included in this fasting. Digital fasting is known by many names like- Digital Detox, Dopamine Fasting, Unplugging from Technology and Digital Sabbath etc.

benefits of digital fasting

  • By including digital fasting in your routine, your relationships become stronger.
  • You can do productive work.
  • You also have good health.
  • You get time for better things.

Why is digital fasting important?
People’s habit of sticking to the screen over time has turned into addiction. If we look at the statistics, this addiction is increasing with time. People in India used to spend about three and a half hours on screen in 2019. In 2021, Indians spent 6 thousand 550 crore hours of the year on mobile screens. Compared to 2019, we saw an increase of 37 percent. In terms of spending time on the phone, our country comes at number five in the world after Brazil, Indonesia, South Korea and Mexico. Now people have started giving their phone screen for about 6 hours.

When do doctors recommend digital fasting?
On the other hand, in the case of youth, the subject is even more worrying. Youth are spending about 8 hours daily online. Spending hours on the phone is directly affecting the health. Addiction to social media is making people’s behavior and nature irritable. Mental problems are increasing. Doctors recommend digital detox or digital fasting when the problems increase beyond limits.

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