What Is Frozen Embryos Technology Frozen Embryos For Pregnancy

Frozen Embryos For Pregnancy: Nowadays infertility has become a big and common problem in couples. Usually even healthy looking couples are unable to become parents. Sometimes there is a deficiency in the sperm of a man and sometimes there is an egg problem in women. In many cases, it also happens that both are perfectly fine, but even then there is a problem in the birth of a child. The solution to all these problems lies with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Let’s understand it in a little detail…

IVF is possible
Many methods of producing children have been discovered. Thanks to science, by preserving the sperm or egg, parents can be made after many years. Babies can also be born with the help of test tubes. Apart from this, any other woman can also bear the child of another couple in her womb. All this is a part of IVF. In IVF, the embryo formed from a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg or a combination of both can also be preserved. For those who are suffering from serious diseases, are unable to become parents due to physical disability or any legal hurdle, this technology is no less than a boon.

Importance of embryo and its formation?
Embryos are called Embryos in English. After the relationship between a man and a woman, the process of embryo formation starts with the meeting of the sperm of the man and the egg of the woman. Only one sperm of a man is enough to fertilize a woman’s egg. Fertilized egg is called zygote. As the zygote moves towards the uterus, it keeps on changing its shape. After some time it becomes like a hollow ball of cells. This ball like structure is called blastocyst. When the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it sticks to the wall of the uterus and an embryo is formed.

In IVF, solutions are found according to the problem. For example, if there is a problem with the sperm count, then work is done in the lab regarding the quality of the sperm. The same can be done with the eggs of women. Eggs can also be kept frozen for a few days. Many women get their eggs frozen for later pregnancy or to become a mother at an older age.

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What is Frozen Embryos?
In this process, the egg is removed from the ovaries of women and fertilized to make an embryo. When the embryo is ready and becomes a few days old, it is frozen. That is, this embryo can be preserved for some time at a certain temperature. Later, if needed, it is transplanted back into the woman’s uterus. After a successful transplant, this embryo starts growing in the woman’s stomach and later becomes a child.

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