What is Illuminati? Why is it being said on social media that it controls the whole world?

The word ‘Illuminati’ contains many stories within itself. This is the reason that when some creators talked about it on social media, people started turning to Google pages to know everything about it. But not much was written on this in Hindi.

However, you do not need to take tension. In this article you are going to know many things about Illuminati. With this you will know how this organization was formed and whether it is still working.

Things to say about Illuminati

You will find many videos related to Illuminati on social media. In most of these videos you will find people saying that this organization controls the world. Be it a war between two countries or a global recession or the matter of forming or toppling a government in a country. They interfere in every such work.

It is even said about this organization that it was also involved in the assassination of American President JF Kennedy. You will also find some social media creators talking that people like Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey are members of intelligence organizations like Illuminati. However, no one knows how much truth is there in these claims. But it is true that an organization named Illuminati definitely existed.

The Truth of Illuminati

Before knowing the truth of Illuminati, you should read about Adam Weishaupt. Need to know about. Because he was the person due to whom Illuminati came into existence. Adam Weishaupt was born in Inglostadt, a city in Bavaria, a state in Central Europe. Adam Weishaupt, a Jew by birth, later became a Christian. He was interested in religion since childhood, so Adam grew up and became a professor of religious laws at the University of Engelstad. However, after some time, he felt that there were changes in religious laws and practices around the world, including Europe. If it should happen, he raised his voice for it. But they were not heard anywhere. When things were not changing according to him, he decided that now he would create an organization that would move forward from the intersection of religion and science and work to develop equality in the world. The story of Illuminati began from here.

When was Illuminati formed

Adam Weishaupt knew that to strengthen this organization, he needed people who Understand its importance. He spent many years searching for such people. Then came the date 1 May 1776. Adam Weishaupt had found four such young men who could establish this organization. It was decided that on the night of May 1, when there would be complete darkness all around, a pledge would be taken in the forests of Inglostad and a special organization would be established. At midnight, Adam and his four young companions reached the forests of Inglostad.

There the five of them took a vow that they would not let anyone in the world know about their organization and would always keep their identities secret. Will keep. Along with this, he decided that the people who will join this organization in future will not be more than 30 years of age. After this, the name of this organization was decided, which the world knows today as Illuminati.

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