What is it about teeth that they cannot burn even in fire, they are much stronger than bones

In Hinduism, a person is cremated after death. During cremation, when the dead body is set on fire, every part of the body burns to ashes in a few hours. During this time, most of the bones also turn into ashes, while some bones remain. Which are immersed in rivers according to religion. But do you know which part of the body does not burn in fire? Today we will tell you which part does not burn in fire.

Burning in fire

According to experts, if the temperature is between 670 and 810 degrees Celsius, then the body starts melting in just 10 minutes. After 20 minutes, the forehead bone becomes free from soft tissue. Cracks start appearing in the tabula externa i.e. the thin wall of the cranial cavity. Apart from this, the entire skin burns in 30 minutes. According to the information, 40 minutes after the cremation begins, the internal organs shrink severely and a net-like or sponge-like structure appears. At the same time, after about 50 minutes, the hands and legs are destroyed to some extent and only the torso remains. Which breaks and separates after 1-1.5 hours. It takes about 2-3 hours to burn the human body completely. But despite this, even a part does not burn.

Which organ does not burn?

Let us tell you that when someone’s body is burned after death, only the teeth remain. After the body is burnt, this is the part that you can easily identify. Apart from this, the rest of the body turns into ashes. According to scientists, there is science behind teeth not burning. Actually, teeth are made of calcium phosphate and due to this they do not catch fire. During cremation, the softest tissues of the teeth burn in the fire, while the hardest tissue i.e. enamel survives. However, some bones also do not burn in low temperatures. According to scientists, a very high temperature of 1292 degrees Fahrenheit is required to burn all the bones of the body. At the same time, even at this temperature, calcium phosphate will not completely turn into ashes.

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