What is La Nina if it forms this time then the weather will be like this in June This is what determines the weather in India

What Is La Nina: This time a warning has been issued regarding monsoon in India., In which it is said that this time there will be a lot of rain, Due to which there are chances of floods in many areas., Apart from this, the cold is also likely to intensify this time.,

La Nina has been blamed for all this, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center It has been estimated that this change in weather will be seen due to La Nina., Now the question that might be arising in your mind is, is this La Nina due to which rain and cold can increase to such an extent?, So let’s find out today,

What is La Nina?,

first of all let’s understand, what does la niña mean, Actually this is a Spanish word, which means little girl, The situation that occurs when there is low air pressure on the surface of the eastern Pacific Ocean region, that’s called la niña, This reduces the sea surface temperature significantly., It has a direct impact on the temperature around the world.,

Talking about El Nina in India, it causes extreme heat and weak monsoon., Talking about La Nina, there is a possibility of more rain and more cold than average., In India too, the Meteorological Department has expressed full possibility of development of La Nina.,

How long can La Nina last?,

La Nana can last from nine months to a year., During this period, the winter temperature in the Northwest part is lower than before, whereas in the Southeast, the temperature remains high even during winter., Apart from becoming La Nino,Different reasons are given, But the most popular reason is that it is made at that time, when the trade wind ,east wind, flows very fast,

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