What Is Lgbtqia Community Full Form Of Lgbtqia Hiw Many Genders Are There

LGBTQIA Full Form: On September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court gave a historic verdict. On this day, the provision of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was changed, in which it was considered illegal to have a relationship between two people of the same gender. The Supreme Court, legalizing homosexual relations under Section 377, ruled that sexual orientation is natural and people have no control over it.

This decision of the Supreme Court gave the LGBT community an equal place in the society. Later, after Q in LGBT, I and A were also added and now the full name of this community has become LGBTQIA. Many of you would know the meaning of LGBT, but hardly anyone would know the meaning of Q, I and A. If you also do not know their meaning, then today we are going to tell you the meaning of all these. Just keep reading this news…

L for lesbian

When a woman is not attracted to a man but is attracted to a woman, then she is called a lesbian. In lesbian sex, both partners are women.

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G for gay

Similarly, if a man is fascinated by the same gender, that is, only a man, then he is called Gay. In this both the partners are men.

B for bisexual

If a man or woman is or is attracted to both genders, then it is called bisexual. Both men and women can be ‘bisexual’. In this, both the partners can be of same or opposite sex.

T for transgender

When someone’s body is of a man, but he feels like a woman, or when the body of a woman, but he feels like a man, then he comes in the category of transgender. This also happens because of a different feeling from the gender one got at the time of birth. Many people change their gender later on to choose the gender of their choice. Due to the hormones of girls, the breasts of men develop and girls also become men with the help of medicine.

Q for ‘queer’

People with queer category do not count themselves in LGBT. They see themselves beyond this. That’s why the ‘Q’ of ‘Queer’ is also called ‘Questioning’, because these people are unable to decide their physical desires. That is why such people are given the name of queer.

I for Intersex

Those people come in the category of intersex who are neither male nor female by physical sex organ. Their sex organ could not be determined.

A for asexual

Those who are not interested in sex with both men and women are placed in the asexual category.

Apart from these, there is also A for Alliance which is used for those people who are not part of LGBTQIA, but fully supports their rights.

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