What is pomegranate called in Hindi? Question asked, do you know the correct answer

Everyone eats pomegranate. It is very beneficial for health. It is a good source of Vitamin C and B, and magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and zinc are found in abundance in it. This is the reason why doctors also advise everyone to eat pomegranate. But do you know the Hindi name of pomegranate? The same question was asked on the online platform Quora. Everyone answered according to their knowledge. Let us know the correct name, knowing which you will be shocked.

This red colored fruit, which we think in Hindi and call pomegranate, is actually not Hindi. Pomegranate is a Persian word. Pomegranate fruit is called Dadim in Hindi. In Marathi it is called Dalimba, in Tamil it is called Madhulai, in Telugu it is called Daniamma, in Bengali it is called Dalim and in Malayalam it is called Mathalam. The Romans were the first to discover about pomegranate.

What do the Romans say?
The Romans called pomegranate the apple with more seeds. Researchers believe that this fruit is about 3000 years old. In Judaism, pomegranate was considered better for fertility. Know the benefits, a research by the American health agency CDC revealed that by eating 100 grams of pomegranate, our body gets about 65 kilo calories of energy. This is equal to the energy obtained from 3 apples and 3 glasses of milk.

Its benefits are no less
Pomegranate is believed to have originated from Iran and its neighboring countries. Earlier it was cultivated in areas ranging from the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula to Afghanistan and India. But now it is sown in almost every country of the world. According to the report of Healthline, pomegranate improves blood circulation and fights blood related diseases. If someone has high blood pressure then he should definitely eat pomegranate. It also provides relief from swelling and irritation. Reduces arthritis and joint pain. Also, it is helpful in preventing cancer. According to a report by American doctors, pomegranate juice reduces Alzheimer’s disease.

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