what is popcorn brain how can it harm for mind and health

Popcorn Brain Fever: Have you also become accustomed to changing channels every minute while watching TV? We are unable to focus on one page on mobile and our mind wanders towards other things. If your brain is running towards other things again and again like a child and you are not able to focus, then you are definitely a victim of popcorn syndrome. Yes, the number of victims of popcorn syndrome brain is increasing across the world.

What is popcorn syndrome?

This is a kind of syndrome in which the mind jumps and runs to see every second or third thing. No talk or thing can satisfy his curiosity and he just keeps running here and there to see and know something new. In such a situation, there is lack of patience in the mind and the mind fails to focus on important things. Let us know what popcorn brain is and how it can be dangerous for health.

mind does not remain stable
Research says that when a person’s attention span decreases, he can be considered a victim of popcorn syndrome. Till 2004, people used to spend two and a half minutes to watch something on the TV screen and change the channel. In 2012, this span was reduced to one and a quarter minutes. At present, people are able to stay on the mobile or TV screen for only 47 seconds. That means after 47 seconds their mind turns towards something else. This brain that bounces like popcorn is changing every second, it is jumping from one thing to another and is unable to do anything. That means his focus and patience has disappeared. The mind which loses focus by bouncing like popcorn is also facing many kinds of problems.

Disadvantages of Popcorn Syndrome
Health experts say that popcorn brain is causing instability in the brain. Due to this, there is lack of necessary focus and the mind is becoming a victim of depression. When the mind cannot concentrate on something, it is not satisfied and because of this it feels sad and agitated. Popcorn brain is having a profound impact on people’s tendency to learn, remember and feel sensations. Popcorn brain is also affecting the mental capacity because it has a bad effect on the memory and the person fails to get deep information on any subject.

control like this

Doctors say that there are many types of mental activities to control the mind and there are some habits through which you can control popcorn brain. Make a habit of reading newspapers. Reduce dependency on mobile. Focus on your hobbies and make time for them. Increase your interaction with people. You will also benefit from meditation. Do digital detox for at least one day a week i.e. stay away from mobile.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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