What is Sharia law, which can take away the rights of women in Bangladesh

The situation in Bangladesh is becoming serious after the coup. Bangladeshi writer, activist and doctor Taslima Nasreen has said that the exit of Sheikh Hasina will strengthen the hold of radical Islamic organizations in Bangladesh. She said that women will have to bear the brunt of this the most. She claims that radical Islamic organizations will implement Sharia law in Bangladesh. Today we will tell you that if Sharia law is implemented in Bangladesh, which rights of women will be lost and what will be the impact on their freedom.


The atmosphere created after the coup in Bangladesh is not considered good. After Sheikh Hasina stepped down from the post of PM and left the country, the government is in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists, the fundamentalists who were put in jail by Sheikh Hasina are also being released now. It is worth noting that writer Taslima Nasreen has been living in exile in India for many years. Nasreen fears that in the coming times, Sharia law will be implemented in Bangladesh and it will have the worst effect on women.

Women will not get these rights

First of all, let us know what is Sharia? Let us tell you that Sharia is the legal system of Islam. It is taken from the holy book of Islam, Quran, and Sunnah and Hadith, the actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad. In Sharia law or Shariat, women and men are considered different. Because both are not physically equal. Similarly, their rights have been given. While getting their rights, it is important for women to protect their dignity and purity.

Women’s freedom

According to the information, there is no restriction on women’s education in Sharia law. But after the implementation of Sharia law, Islamic fundamentalists take away the freedom of women and their freedom ends. Experts say that after the implementation of Sharia law, Islamic fundamentalists will put a stop to women’s freedom and expression by dominating the security of women. 

What did Taslima Nasreen say

Writer Nasreen claimed that after the implementation of Sharia law, women will not get any rights. She said that intolerance is increasing in Bangladesh, there is no freedom of expression. She claims that human rights are being violated and after the implementation of Sharia law, women will soon be left without any rights. She said that many organizations were banned during the rule of Sheikh Hasina, she is coming to power again. 

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