what is Strawberry Moon will be the longest day and seen across the world including India on June 21

Strawberry Moon 2024 : A rare sight will be seen in the sky on 21st June. This day is going to be the most special for the whole world. This day is the night of the full moon. In India too, there is a full moon every month, but in foreign countries it is known by different names. According to astrology and astronomy, while the day of 21st June will be the longest, an amazing sight will be seen in the sky at night. On this day the moon will be in its full glory. Its light will be so bright that it will seem as if it is day. This phenomenon is called ‘Strawberry Moon’. The moon will be of light pink color and from this day the summer season will start in Europe and America.

The moon will appear red while rising in the North Countries of the European continent. This is more likely to happen when the moon appears very low in the sky. It will be pink while rising. NASA has also confirmed this. However, this bright light of the moon will start appearing from June 20, which will also be visible on June 22. The moon will be fully visible on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

What is Strawberry Moon?
According to a report by timeanddate.com, Strawberry Moon was named by American astronomers. Its name is derived from the wild strawberries that ripen this month. Other names for the June full moon include Berry Ripen Moon, Green Corn Moon and Hot Moon. The best time to see the full moon in the entire Asian continent including India will be Friday. During this time, the moon will bring bright light after sunset. During Strawberry Moon, the moon will appear exceptionally large, but it will not be a supermoon. To see the supermoon, one will have to wait till August and after that 4 consecutive supermoons will be seen. The full moon of June has been named Strawberry Moon by the tribes of America.

it is also called honeymoon
According to Space.com, this does not happen usually. This happens once in 19 to 20 years. At this time the Sun will be at its maximum point in the sky, so the Moon will appear lower in the sky and will look bigger. At the same time, in many European countries, Strawberry Moon is also known as Honey Moon. There is a big reason behind this, because at this time the honeycombs are ready. This is the time for farmers to extract honey, so it is also known as Honey Moon.

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