What is taught in the books of Pakistan for Hindus?

Cherish unity in diversity. In India, all religions are seen equally. In our country, even in schools, hatred towards any religion is not taught, but do you know what is taught about Hindus in school books in Pakistan and what kind of behavior Hindu children are treated in schools. If not then let’s find out.

Hindus were described as oppressors
Some Hindu children resident of Pakistan told in conversation with BBC that they were treated differently in schools. Despite being a resident of Pakistan, he was told to return to his country. Apart from this, in children’s history books, Hindus have been described as oppressors of Muslims. Also, in the books, the meaning of Kafir has been described as one who worships idols or idols. It was also told that in earlier times, Hindus used to bury their daughters alive as soon as they were born.

"Hindus are the enemies of humanity"
In the same conversation, it was told that in the book of Pakistan Studies included in the syllabus of class 11th and 12th in Pakistan, Hindus and Sikhs have been described as enemies of humanity. It is also said that Hindus and Sikhs brutally murdered lakhs of women, old people and youth and killed them. 

Hindu children are treated like this
3.5 percent of the people in Pakistan are non-Muslims. According to an estimate, Hindus constitute 1.5 percent of the total population of Pakistan. In 2011, the US government conducted a study. In which it was found that the text books taught in Pakistani schools increase the feeling of prejudice and hatred towards Hindus and other religious minorities. At the same time, things like discrimination against Hindu children are seen in schools also.        

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