What is the difference between a brain cell and a tumor cell read full article in hindi

Brain tumors are abnormal cell growths in the brain that can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous). The type of brain tumor depends on the tissue from which it originates, and there are more than 120 different types. Brain tumors are abnormal cells that develop in the brain. And they can develop from many different types of tissues. Brain tumor cells differ from normal brain cells in many ways. Which includes.


Brain tumors develop when the DNA in brain cells changes. Due to which the cells get new instructions to grow and multiply faster than normal.

cellular hierarchy

Brain tumors have a cellular hierarchy that is similar to the normal nerve cell hierarchy. But with some differences. For example, brain tumor stem cells can give rise to a variety of differentiated progeny. But the patterns of differentiation are less distinct than in the normal brain.

Interaction with other cells

Brain tumors can interact with other cells in the brain, such as astrocytes. Which can release fatty acids that activate signaling pathways in cancer cells. This can create conditions that allow cancer cells to survive and grow.

Brain cells differ from tumor cells in several ways, including cell size, growth rate, and how they affect nearby cells:

cell size: Cancerous cells are usually larger than normal brain cells.

Growth Rate: Cancerous brain tumors grow quickly and can spread to other parts of the body. Noncancerous brain tumors grow slowly and rarely spread.

Effects on surrounding cells: Cancerous cells invade nearby tissues, whereas non-cancerous tumors do not. Brain tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous, and are also known as malignant or benign brain tumors, respectively. Symptoms of brain tumors vary depending on the type of tumor, its size, location and growth rate.

Some symptoms include:



double vision

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weakness or paralysis

hearing, seeing and smelling problems

Also read: From excessive fatigue to weight loss, these are the five major symptoms of cancer.

change in personality

A healthcare provider may perform a biopsy, spinal tap, or other tests to determine whether a brain tumor is cancerous.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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