What is the maximum temperature a human body can reach

The heat wave is increasing with time in many countries of the world including India., According to the Meteorological Department, this time many heat records may be broken due to climate change or the effect of El Nino., In such a situation, a question must have arisen in your mind that how much heat can the human body withstand?,

If we talk about the body temperature of a healthy person, then his normal body temperature is 37°C It happens, In such a situation, let us know what is the maximum temperature a person can bear in India and what is the maximum body temperature a person can reach.,

How high can the human body temperature go?,

If a person is healthy then his body temperature 37°C It is possible, At the same time, the temperature of his body before heat stroke 41°C or it could be more, This is a very dangerous situation, If not controlled and treated, the person may even die., For this reason, every year during the summer season, there are reports of deaths due to heatstroke.,

At what temperature does the human body start having problems?,

If we look at the temperature in which people live in India, 40°C A temperature higher than 100 can start causing problems in a person’s body., If we look at the Indian weather then the temperature 50°C If it exceeds 1000 then it will prove fatal, If we talk about the ideal temperature for the human body, according to many studies it is 36 From 37.5 It is possible,

Temperature is decided according to the weather

The maximum temperature a person can withstand depends on which country the person is living in and what the weather is like there., Like people in India maximum 45 degree Celsius temperature, whereas in countries like Britain 25-30 Degree Celsius temperature is also considered as extreme heat., Apart from all these things, the ability of a person to bear the temperature also depends on his health.,

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