What is the maximum temperature the human body can reach? Will it cause death? Know things related to the body…

The summer season is knocking in India and meteorological departments around the world have warned that the northern hemisphere of the world will see extreme heat. Whether it is the effect of climate change or El Nino, the weather department is saying that this year can create many heat records. But after all, how much heat or what is the maximum temperature can the human body tolerate? The answer to this question is not straightforward, because we have to consider many aspects.

The normal body temperature of a healthy human being is around 37°C, but the maximum temperature of the human body before heat stroke can be around 41°C or more. Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature and can lead to death if not treated immediately. This is the reason why there are reports of deaths due to heat wave.

But it is actually a matter of debate as to what is the maximum temperature the human body can withstand. Because while defining how much, we also have to keep in mind how long! Apart from this, scientists ask to pay attention to one more thing that what and how much humidity is there in the surroundings. Because excess moisture along with high temperature can prove to be more fatal.

The human body actually tries to maintain the internal temperature around 37 degrees even in high temperatures. (file photo)

Whereas if taken in general sense, i.e. in terms of the conditions in which common people live in India, a temperature of more than 40 degree Celsius will start causing problems to the human body. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, more than 50 degrees Celsius can prove fatal. However, the ideal temperature for the body can be between 36 to 37.5 degrees. Many studies confirm this.

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It is important to keep in mind here that this high temperature may vary in different countries. While in countries like India, people can bear temperatures of more than 45, it is seen that in a country like Britain, a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius is also considered an outbreak of extreme heat. Apart from this, the age and health of the person will also play a role in determining the maximum temperature. Not only this, compared to other parts of the body, the brain and its related functions are affected the most.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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