What is UTI? Is frequent UTI a symptom of cancer? Let’s know from the experts

UTI, i.e. urinary tract infection, is a common problem caused by infection in the urinary tract. This causes burning sensation, pain and frequent urination while urinating. But can frequent UTI be a symptom of cancer? This question comes to the mind of many people. Today we will know from the opinion of experts what frequent UTI can mean and whether there is a need to worry about it.

Why do women get it more?
UTI (urinary tract infection) is a problem that is more common in women, but men can also be affected by it. The main reason for this is the anatomy of women, where the urethra is short and bacteria can easily reach the bladder. Women are more likely to get UTI because due to the anatomical structure, the urethra and rectum are close to each other, due to which bacterial infection can spread quickly. 

Is frequent UTI a symptom of cancer?
This question often comes to people’s mind that if UTI is happening repeatedly, can it be a sign of cancer? Let’s know the opinion of experts. 

What do experts say?
According to experts, frequent UTI is not always a symptom of cancer. UTI is usually caused by bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics. But if a person is suffering from frequent UTI and along with it symptoms like bleeding, weight loss or excessive fatigue are also seen, then it should not be ignored. In some cases, frequent UTI can be caused by a serious problem in the body, such as bladder cancer or kidney disease. Therefore, if UTI is happening repeatedly, it is important to consult a doctor. What should be done? If you are getting UTI repeatedly, do not take it lightly. Contact the doctor immediately and get treatment as per his advice. Recurring UTI can be a sign of a serious problem in your body, so timely treatment is very important. The doctor will tell you the right medicines and treatment method, so that you can get rid of this problem.

Know how to avoid it
Apart from this, you can avoid UTI by adopting some habits.  First of all, take special care of cleanliness. Always keep your private parts clean and dry. Adopt the right method of cleaning after urination and defecation. Drink plenty of water, because drinking more water removes bacteria from the body and reduces the risk of UTI. Apart from water, consumption of coconut water and liquids can also be beneficial. 

"ltr">Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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