What is written in the post mortem report Know how the secrets of death are revealed

The investigation into the rape and murder of a junior doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital is continuing. Meanwhile, many misleading claims are being made on social media regarding postmortem reports. But do you know what a postmortem is and what kind of information comes out in it?

Post Mortem

Postmortem is an important process in medical science. This report is even more useful in case of any kind of abnormal death. Because through the postmortem report, it is known what is the reason for the death and what is the cause of it. Today we will tell you all the important facts related to postmortem.

commencement of post-mortem

First of all, let us know when post-mortem started. Let us tell you that post-mortem is also called autopsy. In 3500BC, the body of an animal was first opened in Iraq. Then it was believed that it was necessary to examine the organs of animals to know the message of God. After that, in the 14th century, dissection was started to be taught in the universities of Italy. In the history of India, it is believed that Chanakya was the first to understand the importance of autopsy. He believed that post-mortem is most important in finding out the cause of death. In this context, the name of Maharishi Sushruta is also taken. He is called the Father of Surgery in India. Not only this, his book Sushruta Samhita contains information related to surgery, which is taught to doctors even today.

Type of post mortem?

Explaining postmortem in simple terms, forensic expert Dr. Aakriti says that if someone dies an unnatural death, then postmortem is done. If the cause of death is to be known, the body is to be identified, the exact time of death is to be known, then also postmortem has to be done. Sometimes the body gets decomposed, in that case also postmortem can tell the exact time of death. There are two types of postmortem. Medico-legal postmortem is done, where autopsy is done only on the orders of police or magistrate. Medico-legal postmortem is done in all suspicious deaths or where police has doubts. Clinical or hospital postmortem is done for the purpose of research. When any kind of research has to be done, then clinical postmortem is done. In this, consent of the relatives of the deceased is necessary.

By when does the post-mortem report have to be submitted?

Different states have different rules regarding post mortem. Last year, the court had given clear instructions regarding Punjab and Haryana that the post mortem report has to be given within 24 hours. There can be no delay in this. At the same time, a question arises whether there is any initial report in post mortem and is a detailed report ever given later? Let us tell you that there is no such thing as an initial report in post mortem. Post mortem is a medico legal document, it is a very big evidence. You have to give its report immediately. You cannot have a gap of four-five days in this.

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