What Scientists Thought Was A Galaxy Is Actually A Black Hole Its Direction Is Towards The Earth

Black hole: Scientists from all over the world got scared when they came to know that for so long they were thinking of a galaxy. It turned out to be a black hole. Yes, according to this study published in the Royal Astronomical Society Journal, this huge Black Hole is standing with its mouth open towards the Earth. Scientists were considering it as a galaxy for a long time. But in reality it was a black hole. Scientists are surprised that why its direction is towards the earth? The monster of this space has quickly turned its face towards the earth.

The monster is standing with its mouth open towards the earth.

Radiation is continuously coming out of the mouth of this black hole at the speed of light. The radiation is at an angle of 90 degrees to the Earth. Because of which scientists are getting worried. This black hole is hungry and hungry black holes are called Scientific Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). These black holes are most of the time in the center of galaxies. The sharp energy particles keep coming out from their mouth.

This black hole is present in the center of a very large galaxy named PBC J2333.9-2343. Its distance from Earth is about 4 million light years. AGN had recently turned towards the earth. Because of which the jet of strong energy emanating from its center is focused directly towards the Earth.

What was found in the study?

Astrophysicist Lorena Hernandez Garcia of the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics has studied the entire electromagnetic spectrum of the galaxy PBC J2333.9-2343. Be it radio waves or gamma rays. Initially it was thought that it is a blazar, which is shining very brightly and then extinguishing. Then Garcia saw two circular regions in the Milky Way. Here the jets coming out of AGN were colliding with each other.

Scientists looking for answers

They found that these circular regions of the blazar are very old, while the region in the center (AGN) is very young. It is continuously throwing high energy jets. Here two pairs of jets are flying in different directions. Scientists have not yet understood why it turned its face towards the earth. He is constantly engaged in trying to find the answer.

Read this also – What would happen if the black hole pulled the Earth inside it? it would be such a scary sight

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