What the woman thought was a common stone, turned out to be a 5 billion year old meteorite, why so precious?

Some time ago a news came that a priceless treasure fell from the sky on a person’s house in Indonesia and he became rich. In fact, a meteorite from space had fallen at the house of 33-year-old Joshua Hutagalung, by selling which he made Rs 10 crore. Now another similar incident has come to the fore. A stone fell on a woman’s house. The woman was considering it as a common stone, but when the experts saw it, they told that it is a 5 billion year old meteorite. Let us tell you that Meteorites are very valuable, even the cost of some of them leaves gold behind. Their price can range from $ 0.50 to $ 1000 per gram.

According to a New York Post report, the incident took place on Monday afternoon in New Jersey, USA, when a metal object fell from the roof of a house in Hopewell Township. Landlord Suzy Cope said, it fell on the roof of the house and went straight into the bedroom. I thought someone must have pelted stones. But when I looked up, it had come down after breaking the roof. It is a matter of honor that no one was present there at that time and no one was hurt. Officials told that this meteorite, which looks square in shape, is 4 to 6 inches. Visually it looks like a metal.

possibly a relic of the early days of the solar system
The five-billion-year-old meteorite may be a relic of the early days of the solar system, said Derrick Pitts, chief astrophysicist at the Franklin Institute. Till now it was running here and there in the space and now it has come down on the earth. According to scientists, the Eta Aquarids meteor shower was at its peak in the area last weekend. It is believed that because of that a meteorite managed to reach the earth. The officials scanned it to check whether radioactive radiation is not spreading. The fire department confirmed that there is no danger.

a rare occurrence of hitting houses or people
According to officials, the weight of this rocky piece is about 1.8 kg. Astronomers say that whenever a meteorite enters the Earth’s atmosphere, due to friction and high temperature, it catches fire and gets destroyed. But sometimes it does not end completely. Because of this, some pieces reach the earth. These are known as meteorites. By the way, collision of meteorites with any house or people is a kind of rare event.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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