What to do in the last month of pregnancy to increase the chances of normal delivery?

Normal vaginal delivery is the best option for both mother and child. Normal delivery means normal delivery without any medical intervention. When the body is ready, labor pains begin and the baby comes out through the vagina. This is the natural way. There are less risks in normal delivery and is considered safe for both mother and child. Besides, mother’s milk also comes in quickly. Therefore, as far as possible, normal delivery should be chosen. By taking some precautions and right steps, you can increase the chances of normal vaginal delivery to a great extent. Let us know here..

Healthy Diet 
Taking a healthy diet increases the chances of normal delivery. A woman’s eating habits during pregnancy are very important for the baby and delivery. When the mother eats healthy and nutritious food, like green vegetables, fruits, pulses, whole grains, protein food, then her body gets adequate nutrients. Due to this, the health of the mother remains good and the child also develops properly. In such a situation, the chances of normal delivery increase significantly.

Increasing exercise and activity in the last days of pregnancy increases the chances of normal delivery. When the time of delivery of a pregnant woman comes near, then she should increase her exercise and Walking should be increased. This maintains energy in her body and also strengthens her muscles. As the time of delivery approaches, she should also help in the household chores and go for a walk. 

Adequate rest 
When a woman is pregnant, she should take special care of herself. He should take complete rest and sleep when he feels tired. Long and deep sleep at night is very important. One should sleep for at least 7-8 hours so that the body and mind can get rest. 

Know what research says
According to research, more than 85% of pregnant women can give birth to a child through normal delivery without any medicine. But in reality, 1 in every 3 women is having a cesarean delivery. This happens because many women themselves choose the option of C-section delivery to avoid the pain and discomfort during normal delivery. Or in most private hospitals cesarean delivery is done which is not right. 

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