What To Eat For Weight Loss In Winter Season Flaxseeds Benefits To Maintian Cholesterol Level

Weight Loss And High Cholesterol: Most of the people are troubled during the winter season due to the problem of increasing weight. Because there is a decrease in daily physical activities due to cold and the food we eat in this season is mostly fat increasing. Because we consume ghee, jaggery, sesame, peanuts, dry fruits etc. to keep the body warm in the winter season and in Ayurveda they have been kept in the category of rich food. If these foods are consumed in daily life without being active, then the weight can increase very fast.

Not only weight gain but not being physically active affects our overall health. Due to this, heart related problems and the problem of high cholesterol also arise. In such a situation, it is necessary that we start eating something in our daily diet, which gives energy to the body, does not allow weight gain and also maintains cholesterol. Flax seeds are one such food. Learn here when and how to eat them so that these problems go away.

How do flax seeds work?

Flax seeds are beneficial for overall health. By consuming them daily, you can take both your fitness and health to the next level…

  • According to Ayurveda, flax seeds control the vata dosha in the body. That is, you can get rid of joint pain, muscle pain or pain in any part of the body.
  • However, those people who have bleeding problems or women who are planning pregnancy should avoid consuming flax seeds.
  • Flax seeds are hot in effect. That’s why their consumption in the winter season works to give warmth to the body. That is why it is advised to use them only after soaking them in water overnight in the summer season.
  • Antioxidants and many nutrients are found in flax seeds. That’s why immunity increases by eating them.

Helpful in weight control

  • Flax seeds are fiber rich and consuming them keeps the stomach full for a long time. They work to regulate appetite. Along with providing nutrients and warmth to the body. In this way, it is easy to control the increasing weight by eating them.
  • Digestion is high with flax seeds and they also remove the problem of constipation. Due to this, the intestines are cleaned on time and the body remains more energetic and active. This also helps in controlling the increasing weight.
  • Flax seeds also work to control blood pressure and reduce high blood pressure. Therefore, if you have BP problem, then you must include flax seeds in your daily diet.

Best Plant Based Protein

  • Flax seeds are very beneficial for those people who have problem in drinking milk and those who do not like to eat non-veg. Because flax seeds are a great food in terms of plant-based protein. Therefore, to fulfill the protein need of the body, you can also consume flax seeds.

When and how to eat

  • If you eat flax seeds directly like this, then the stomach will not be able to digest them properly and they will come out whole in stool during morning motion. That’s why it is better to make their powder and use them. However, even in winters, you can chew and eat them in the morning after soaking them in water overnight. After soaking for about 8 to 10 hours, it is easy to chew and eat them.
  • You can also use the oil of flax seeds. The use of only one spoon of oil in the daily diet is enough. You can eat this oil by mixing it in salads, snacks etc.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: These leaves alone control many diseases, from high cholesterol to sugar, just keep using them like this.

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