What Will Be Happens If Earth Falls Into A Black Hole Know Here

Black hole: Black holes in space have always been a matter of surprise. most of the black holes The scary thing is that the thing that goes in it is not known where it went. Will she come back or not. In such a situation, the question is, what will happen if the Earth goes into a black hole? Let’s try to know the answer to this question today.

According to Discover Magazine, black holes have three main properties. First is its weight or mass, second is rotation or angular momentum and third is its electronic charge. Scientists have so far discovered black holes with the help of these properties. Matter going into a black hole is destroyed due to its mass, angular momentum and electronic charge.

everything will become noodles

This means that if the Earth falls into a black hole, it will face terrible gravity and a lot of electronic charge. According to some reports, on reaching very close to the black hole, the earth will change from the shape of an apple to the shape of Maggi or noodles.

feel strong gravity

If a person on earth is on the side of a black hole, then he will experience more gravity. This will be the gravity of the black hole. Your legs will start pulling towards the head and the direction and shape of the body parts will also start changing. This whole scene is before hitting the center of the black hole.

everything will be absorbed into the center of the black hole

How long this whole program will last will depend on the mass of the black hole. If the black hole becomes smaller, it will take time to cause damage. But, if the Earth encounters a supermassive black hole, then everything will end in seconds. Very soon everything including the earth will turn into noodles and get absorbed in the center of the black hole. What will happen after this, where will the earth go… No one knows this yet.

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